2023 IMAS and IMC SA Team Selection

We kick off 2023 with IMAS Round 1 taking place between 21 and 23 February. IMAS Round 1 will serve as the first step towards selecting South African teams to participate in the 2023 Bulgaria IMC. For 2023 we are moving to a new platform to write IMAS Round 1, IMAS Round 2 as well as the additional team selection tests. We have now moved to Moodle and IMAS will be written online over Moodle with invigilation either at school or over Google Meet for those writing at home.

In order for learners to write IMAS online on Moodle (whether at school or at home), each learner needs an account for the JIMCOBSA website. Furthermore, learners with JIMCOBSA accounts need to enroll in the course 2023 IMAS for Primary School Team Selection or 2023 IMAS for High School Team Selection. However, IMAS requires a registration fee (we need to pay over a fee to the Taiwan organizers) and hence an Admin Portal was designed as part of the website in order to facilitate monetary transactions and enrollments.

Since monetary transactions are required to enroll for some courses, each learner has to be linked to at least one of their parents who can then be involved with monetary transactions where needed. Learners can also link to their teacher, however a learner must always still be linked to a parent. Therefore parents also need to register for JIMCOBSA accounts and link to their children.

Once all the registrations and linking are done by learners, parents and teachers, learners can be enrolled for courses, including the courses "2023 IMAS for Primary School Team Selection" and "2023 IMAS for High School Team Selection". The 2023 IMAS will be administered as a quiz in these courses.

Parents will not be enrolled in these two courses as they are not writing the quizzes. However parents interested in seeing the course can observe the course through their child's account. However, teachers are enrolled in a separate course "2023 IMAS for Teachers". Please note that learners writing at school will not write through this course, this course is for us to more easily communicate with teachers about IMAS logistics. Parents helping their child, especially the younger ones in primary school, would need to sign in through their child's account to access the 2023 IMAS quizzes as well as the form to be completed for scheduling invigilation timeslot.

Below is a timeline of the IMAS and team selection activities.

Estimated Schedule of IMAS and Team Selection Activities
IMAS Round 1
21 to 23 February 2023
Additional Selection Test 1
21 to 23 March 2023
Autumn Training School
26 to 31 March 2023
IMAS Round 2
18 to 20 April 2023
Weekly Virtual Training
Additional Selection Test 2
22 May 2023
1 to 6 July 2023

Training Available in Preparation

Available Training Courses
Training Course
Theory Courses: 2023 Bilingual Basics
IMAS Past Papers
2023 Autumn Training Camp
Check Admin Portal

Last modified: Thursday, 16 March 2023, 9:44 AM